Saturday, December 19, 2009

How much does a vote cost?

How much does it cost to buy a vote in Congress? Well, if you are a "swing" vote, the final vote needed to get leglislation passed that some people want, even if the majority of the people, the citizenry of the United States do not want, it can be very expensive for the rest of us. SEN Ben Nelson (Democrat - Nebraska) got one HECK of a pay off for voting for Obama Care. The price that we are going to get to pay? The state of Nebraska will NEVER have to pay it's share of Medicare costs, ever again. Yes, not a 4, 6, or even 10 year deal, but a FOREVER deal. We the other 49 States will be covering the cost of Nebraska's medical costs for the rest of the history of the United States of America.

Way to go Ben... You struck a hard bargin. Way to go Obama/Pelosi et al. You sold us all down the river, because of your greed and lust for power...

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