Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reid Substitute - Obamacare Bill

Well, since the 60 Traitors voted to send it on, you can now get a copy... I would suggest that you do so, and IMMEDIATELY get on the phone and go and visit your Senator.

Just for a place to start... This is the end of pages 1019 to 1022:

23 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—It shall not be in
24 order in the Senate or the House of Represent
25 atives to consider any bill, resolution, or amend
O:\MAL\MAL09863.xml [file 3 of 9] S.L.C.
1 ment, pursuant to this subsection or conference
2 report thereon, that fails to satisfy the require
3 ments of subparagraphs (A)(i) and (C) of sub
4 section (c)(2).

7 TION.—It shall not be in order in the Senate or
8 the House of Representatives to consider any
9 bill, resolution, amendment, or conference re
10 port (other than pursuant to this section) that
11 would repeal or otherwise change the rec
12 ommendations of the Board if that change
13 would fail to satisfy the requirements of sub
14 paragraphs (A)(i) and (C) of subsection (c)(2).
16 SUBSECTION.—It shall not be in order in the
17 Senate or the House of Representatives to con
18 sider any bill, resolution, amendment, or con
19 ference report that would repeal or otherwise
20 change this subsection.
21 ‘‘(D) WAIVER.—This paragraph may be
22 waived or suspended in the Senate only by the
23 affirmative vote of three-fifths of the Members,
24 duly chosen and sworn.
O:\MAL\MAL09863.xml [file 3 of 9] S.L.C.
1 ‘‘(E) APPEALS.—An affirmative vote of
2 three-fifths of the Members of the Senate, duly
3 chosen and sworn, shall be required in the Sen
4 ate to sustain an appeal of the ruling of the
5 Chair on a point of order raised under this
6 paragraph.
8 ‘‘(A) CONSIDERATION.—A motion to pro
9 ceed to the consideration of the bill in the Sen
10 ate is not debatable.

11 ‘‘(B) AMENDMENT.—
12 ‘‘(i) TIME LIMITATION.—Debate in
13 the Senate on any amendment to a bill
14 under this section shall be limited to 1
15 hour, to be equally divided between, and
16 controlled by, the mover and the manager
17 of the bill, and debate on any amendment
18 to an amendment, debatable motion, or ap
19 peal shall be limited to 30 minutes, to be
20 equally divided between, and controlled by,
21 the mover and the manager of the bill, ex
22 cept that in the event the manager of the
23 bill is in favor of any such amendment,
24 motion, or appeal, the time in opposition

O:\MAL\MAL09863.xml [file 3 of 9] S.L.C.
1 thereto shall be controlled by the minority
2 leader or such leader’s designee.

OK... For people who don't read legal language all the time, the bold parts say that once this goes forward IT CAN NOT BE CHANGED. Future Congress' are limited they can not change anything about this unless they have a 3/5 majority. Unlike the "normal" 2/3 or even simple majority that is required for everything else.

IF this was legal, if this was consitiutional at all, then why would this not be a normal thing done in EVERY bill? You LIKE your legislation that you put forward, and you want to make sure that it stays in place because you think that it is a good thing... So to keep anyone else from making any changes to it, you put this sort of language in it... It hasn't been done before so far as I could find...

I mean, let's be real... Why wouldn't something like this have been done with the 13th Amendment (abolition of slavery), 15th Amendment (prohibition of exclusion from voting based on race), 16th Amendment (federal taxes on income), 18th Amendment (Prohibition - repealed by the 21st Amendment, which only required a 2/3 majority by the way...). Maybe the 19th? Women's Sufferage? No... Not there either. 22nd - Limiting the President to 2 terms? No... Not there either.

Well... Basically that shows that the "big time" legislation where you would expect to see something done that would limit the ability to change it, it isn't there. The "regular" stuff that is passed by congress has not had anything like that in it either... I have a good idea... How about we all get together and get the sponsors of House Resolution 226 and Senate Bill 388 to add this same language to them and see how loudly the left starts to scream. I personally think that is a good thing, and I'll try to recommend it to them.

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